Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, also known as idiopathic sarcopenia, is a concerning condition where muscle seems to waste away or atrophy for no clear reason. This can happen even with adequate nutrition and exercise. Some potential causes that may lead to unexplained muscle loss include:

Early symptoms of unexplained muscle loss are subtle but over time it can cause: If you notice these issues, see your doctor. They'll review medications, medical history and conduct exams to pinpoint the cause: Treatment depends on the underlying trigger but may include: The outlook depends on the cause and reversibility. Catching idiopathic sarcopenia early boosts the chances of regaining strength and function. Work closely with your medical team. While some muscle loss is normal with aging, significant unexplained wasting needs evaluation. Maintain a proactive approach - track changes and speak up if your condition worsens.

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