Fatigue - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

Fatigue is a common symptom that we all experience at some point. It refers to an overwhelming feeling of tiredness, lack of energy, and feeling of exhaustion. We may feel fatigued due to various reasons including lack of quality sleep, illness, stress, overexertion, or poor nutrition. Some key things to know about fatigue:

In summary, fatigue refers to feelings of exhaustion, tiredness, and lack of energy. It is the body's signal demanding recuperation and rest. While occasional mild fatigue is normal, ongoing severe fatigue can indicate an underlying medical issue needing evaluation. Managing workload, ensuring adequate sleep, nutrition, physical activity, and stress management helps prevent fatigue from becoming a bigger issue. Listen to your mind and body, don't overlook fatigue, and seek medical advice when appropriate. For more information or personalized treatment, please visit Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy.

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