Estrogen deficiency - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

What is estrogen deficiency?

Estrogen deficiency occurs when estrogen levels in the body become too low. This happens most often during perimenopause and menopause, when ovarian production of estrogen declines. However, estrogen levels can also drop abnormally at other times due to medical conditions or treatments.


Some key symptoms of low estrogen levels include:


In addition to natural menopause, other potential causes of estrogen deficiency include:

Speak with your doctor about hormone testing.


If left untreated, long-term estrogen deficiency can lead to serious health issues:

Diagnosis and Treatment

Blood tests checking follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels can help diagnose estrogen deficiency. Treatment options may include:

The right treatment depends on the cause and symptoms of hormone imbalance. It's important to work closely with your healthcare provider at Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy to protect long-term health. Tracking symptoms and communicating openly will lead to the best results.

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