Bio identical Hormone therapy - Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the human body to treat hormone deficiencies and imbalance. As we age, hormone levels decline causing various symptoms that affect quality of life. Replacing these hormones can provide immense benefits and restore well-being.

What is?

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that uses hormones structurally identical to those found naturally in the human body. These hormones are custom-made, or compounded, to match a person's individual hormone needs, enabling optimal replacement dosing.

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced in the human body, so the body recognizes and receives them as natural. As a result, bioidentical hormones can seamlessly bind to hormone receptors, triggering necessary hormonal activities in the body. This makes them a natural way to supplement age-related hormone decline.

How Bioidentical Hormones Differ from Synthetic Hormones

Why is Superior

Bioidentical hormone therapy can supplement declining hormones, restoring vitality, health, and an overall sense of well-being as we age.

Candidates for

Those experiencing symptoms related to hormonal imbalance and deficiency are candidates for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

As we age, production of key hormones starts declining, causing unpleasant symptoms that affect quality of life. The most common hormone deficiencies include:

Estrogen and Progesterone Deficiency in Women
Testosterone Deficiency in Men
Thyroid Hormone (T3 & T4) Deficiency
Growth Hormone Deficiency

Bioidentical hormone therapy involves careful hormone testing to determine deficiencies. Customized bioidentical hormones are then prescribed to restore optimal levels, alleviating deficiency symptoms.

Some symptoms indicating possible hormone imbalance:

- Unexplained fatigue and low energy
- Weight gain and increased belly fat
- Poor sleep quality and insomnia
- Loss of muscle mass
- Waning interest in sex or erectile dysfunction

Those experiencing multiple hormone deficiency symptoms for an extended time may benefit from evaluation for bioidentical hormone replacement.

Restore your wellness with bioidentical hormones.

Assessing Hormone Levels

Determining deficient hormones involves assessing hormone blood, saliva, or urine tests.

Measurements outside optimal range indicate possible hormone imbalance:

Estrogen Low or high estrogen levels
Progesterone Low progesterone levels
Testosterone Low testosterone levels
Thyroid (T3 & T4) Low thyroid hormone levels
IGF-1 and Growth Hormone Low IGF-1 and GH levels

These tests help determine which bioidentical hormones and dosages will resolve deficiencies, improving symptoms.

Why Assess Multiple Hormones?

Hormones work synergistically together as part of the endocrine system. Imbalances in one hormone can affect optimal levels of others.

Comprehensively assessing hormones provides insight into deficiencies to guide precise bioidentical hormone restoration, enhancing overall vitality and health.

Delivering Bioidentical Hormones

There are various effective methods to deliver bioidentical hormone replacement matched to individual needs:

- Transdermal creams - Applied to wrists/forearms enabling steady absorption
- Injections - Administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly at regular intervals
- Sublingual drops - Hormones absorbed under the tongue
- Pellets - Long-acting pellets inserted under the skin lasting 3-6 months
- Oral capsules - Taken orally at regular intervals

The optimal delivery method depends on convenience, duration of action, individual response, and patient preference, guided by the practitioner's expertise.

Regular follow-up hormone tests determine if treatment is achieving adequate hormonal balance, alleviating deficiency symptoms.

Benefits of Restoring Hormones

Restoring hormonal balance with bioidentical hormone therapy provides considerable benefits:

Physical Benefits

Emotional Benefits

Balancing key hormones with bioidentical therapy provides extensive benefits, revitalizing health and quality of life as we age.

Restore your well-being with bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical HRT Slows Aging

In addition to relieving deficiency symptoms, research shows bioidentical hormone therapy may help slow aspects of the aging process.

As hormones decline with age, cellular regenerative activities wane, causing degenerative changes over time. Restoring optimal bioidentical hormone levels promotes healthy cellular metabolism and tissue repair mechanisms.

This helps slow age-related declines in body composition, muscle strength, cardiovascular function, immunity, collagen integrity, and neurological activities.

While not literally stopping the aging clock, bioidentical HRT helps maintain vitality, function, and quality of life, enhancing active longevity.

Bioidentical Hormones and Mental Health

Research shows maintaining optimal hormone balance positively impacts mental health and outlook in multiple ways:

As we age, declining hormone levels are linked to reduced neurotransmitters, affecting mood, cognitive skills, and coping abilities.

Balancing key hormones with bioidenticals maintains neurological health, preserving mental acuity, positive outlook, and emotional stability.

Testosterone Therapy for Men

Testosterone therapy is bioidentical hormone replacement commonly used to alleviate andropause symptoms in men as they age. Declining testosterone causes symptoms including:

Restoring youthful testosterone levels with bioidentical therapy relieves these symptoms, revitalizing men's health and vitality. Benefits include:

Testosterone therapy enhances masculinity, revitalizing men's health and sexuality. It's an important consideration for men wanting to regain their edge physically and mentally as they age.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy?

The practitioners at Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy using cutting-edge testing and precision dosing protocols. Reasons to choose Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy:

The goal of Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy is restoring hormone balance to renew energy, strength, mental clarity, and enjoyment of life. Contact them today to see if bioidentical HRT is right for you!


Bioidentical hormone therapy is a safe and effective way to restore hormone balance and alleviate the symptoms of hormone deficiencies. By using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally in the human body, bioidentical hormone therapy can seamlessly bind to hormone receptors, triggering necessary hormonal activities without the risk of unwanted side effects.

At Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy, experienced practitioners specialize in customized bioidentical hormone therapy plans, using comprehensive testing and precision dosing protocols to ensure optimal hormone restoration. With a range of delivery methods and follow-up testing, they can help you achieve adequate hormonal balance, alleviating deficiency symptoms and revitalizing your health and quality of life.

If you're experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance or deficiency, such as fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep, loss of muscle mass, or sexual dysfunction, consider consulting with Rejuvenate Hormone Therapy to see if bioidentical hormone therapy is right for you. Restore your vitality, energy, and overall well-being with the power of bioidentical hormones.

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